Social Explanation of Religion by Durkheim

Social Explanation of Religion

According to Durkheim, religion creates group life. It is origin of human society. Religious thoughts and actions construct social group. Religious thoughts and actions construct social group. Sacred and profane things have been differentiated by the religion which affect the total social life of man.

Durkheim has said that man has placed sacred things separate from other things. Religious belief and ceremonies are such things which have fixed with distinction by the society. Man has maintained a difference between sacred and profane objects. When a person participates in sacred ceremonies his position in society is elevated. Durkheim has defined religion in the manner, "It is a unified system of belief and practices relating to sacred things."

The sacred belief and actions unite the people in a chain of morality. We can give example of Kaabah, Church, Temple, Bible, Holy Quran as sacred things of different religions.

According to Durkheim, the origin of collective life is religion. Sanctity is a physical body in the bed of society. He says that major function of religion is to create social solidarity and enhance its forces. Religion will remain till the society exists.

According to the theory of Durkheim, the collective force and the group solidarity in society is only due to religion. Had there been no religion there would have not been a society. Individuals would have been separated from one another. There would have been no social life, no culture and no social norms. The organization in the actions and the belief of the people is the name of religion. While these beliefs and actions are related to sacred things.

It is religion which presents the concept of pure and impure. A difference between good and bad, true and false, and right and wrong, is due to religion.

This explanation of religion by Durkheim reveals that our beliefs and actions are related together in a system. If we have a belief about one thing and do not act accordingly it will disappear with the passage of time. On the other hand, If we act and do not hold belief on the action, the action will disappear after sometime. It is because both the belief and actions exist in unified system.

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