Emile Durkheim:Theory of Suicide

Theory of Suicide

The theory of suicide is very famous in which he describes its three types. This theory circulates round social solidarity. Durkheim explained suicide as "Any deliberate act which causes death and actor knows the consequence of his act before committing is called suicide."

a) Egoistic Suicide

When the group solidarity grows weak in society this type of suicide occurs. The bonds of society get loose. This type of suicide grows in this condition. Such events happen in unmarried persons and protestant followers of the church. These conditions happen when the individual stops taking interest in his family affairs.  He does not care for the primary and secondary group. The other people of the society also do not take interest in his matters. The individual feels himself isolated from society. He feels that life for him is charmless and useless for him. In this condition he commits suicide which is called Egoistic Suicide. Such condition develops in the society where social solidarity is shattered and the bonds of social norms fail in laying pressure on its members.

In this suicide the individual leaves his social group in which he was trained and socialized. He leaves the group norms and does not participate in group behaviors. The marriage, death or birth in his relations or neighbors have no effect upon him. Moreover he does not participate in functions of this nature. Neither he helps others nor wants from anyone. He remains alone in society and mostly lives separately from other members of his family. Such events happen in our society which can be explained on the study of their condition and the environment.

This type of suicide is found more in organic society(urban) than in mechanical society.

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